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Why BJM's Happy Treats?

BJM’s Happy Treats is a business where bakers meet to bake some delicious cakes and pastries. BJM stand for the capital letter “ B ” as ...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Why BJM's Happy Treats?

BJM’s Happy Treats is a business where bakers meet to bake some delicious cakes and pastries. BJM stand for the capital letter “B” as Bienvinido, capital letter “J” as Jusi and capital letter “M” as Maray which are the surnames of the owners. Happy treats because the product brings joy or happiness once you buy and taste it. You can’t buy joy or happiness, but you can buy cookies, cupcakes and cakes and that’s kind of the same thing!


The products will be cookies, cupcakes and cakes especially with banana flavor. We all know that banana have a beauty benefits. Banana benefits the heart and improves nerve functions. It also works as a natural antacid and mild laxative. Banana cookies are pretty tasty and a good way to sneak for breakfast. It is a healthy soft cookie – buttery, rich and delicious.